Image credit © smaehl
Every writer is hunting down that elusive publishing deal, right? Once you see your book in a physical form, on that table in a bookshop – that will be THE MOMENT. And it is! It is an amazing, joyous moment but, surprisingly to some, that doesn’t always mean you feel that you have achieved SUCCESS.
It is very easy to see getting a publishing deal as the ultimate end-game for your writing but, as agents, we often see how damaging this mindset can be for a writer’s confidence. When they get a knock-back, whether it’s from an agent or a publisher, it can feel like a step backwards from that ultimate publishing goal. But publication is more like a rollercoaster ride than a mountain to climb.
It’s important to understand and prepare yourself for the fact that, even as a published author, you will still be worrying about whether your writing is good enough, what your sales figures are like, whether your editor likes your next book, whether reviewers will like it too, etc. The business of writing (and worrying about your writing) just changes as you become published rather than getting a whole lot easier.
With this in mind, we try to emphasise that the most important thing for any writer is that you enjoy the act of writing and you write what you love. Celebrate any success you have, whether it be a competition shortlisting, getting great feedback from a reader or signing with an agent. If you get an agent / publishing deal then that is a bonus, but you should write because you love to, first and foremost! That way, you can enjoy what you do, rather than constantly agonising over the future. It’s easier said than done, of course, but if you can learn to see that publishing deal as a bonus, rather than as a reason to write, it really will make for a happier, more fulfilling experience.